Four Tips to Achieve That Minimalist Kitchen You’ve Always Wanted – Philippine Tatler

Four Tips to Achieve That Minimalist Kitchen You’ve Always Wanted
March 18, 2019

Simple does not have to equal mundane. Use these tips to create a perfectly picturesque and functional minimalist kitchen.

When it comes to home décor, less is more nowadays, especially because majority of us want to be in a home that, in Marie Kondo’s vernacular, “sparks joy”. While there is a lot of chatter about streamlining closets, the kitchen doesn’t get nearly as much care. 

In line with its downright functionality and tendency to become cluttered, the kitchen is a room that can benefit from a simplistic motif. The kitchen, in lots of homes, is also an essential congregating area. Therefore, decluttering this space will naturally lessen anxiety and good energy will radiate through the rest of your home. By implementing minimalistic life-hacks, you will likely find that your kitchen will transform visually and in functionality. 

No, it doesn’t have to be grey or white, despite popular trends in minimalism. However, using a solid colour palette—preferably neutral tones—does not only make the room appear simpler, it creates an illusion of a further open space. Try your hand at pastel shades or opt for colours with minimal contrast. If you want to be more precise about it, consult to help you create beautiful colour schemes that are flawlessly complementary.

If you do not have a lot of storage space, you may want to consider getting rid of some of the kitchen items you don’t use regularly. How much of your dishware do you actually use? This doesn’t mean you need to throw out all your china that’s been in the family since time immemorial. Rather, minimise things used on a daily basis. Take a realistic look at how much you need versus how much you want.

Proper storage is key in a minimalist kitchen. Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to figure out how to organise the items you’ve decided to keep. You can build a spice rack for added aesthetics. Go through your pantry and store items in sleek glass canisters or invest in a hanging pot rack. Now is the time to figure out how to most effectively declutter your items to help create space and ease in your kitchen.

It’s time to categorise your kitchen gadgets, which should be filed under essential and superfluous?

Invest in a few high-quality multi-functional items. There are examples in the market just like the recently launched smart spherical pot rice cookers from Tefal. The spherical pot rice cookers are equipped with artificial intelligence technology, with Fuzzy Logic that enables the rice cooker to determine a variety of ingredients. Aside from the usual rice, you can cook porridge, congee, steam, slow cook, soup, and even dessert. The key to minimalist decor is creating as much empty space as possible, so make the most of storage on your kitchen countertop utilizing appliances like this.

There’s a complementary relationship between the technological advancement of our world to the amount of high-tech kitchen appliances in the market. One needn’t invest in too many items, despite the seemingly endless possiblities new kitchenware provides. It’s best to simply choose which appliances are best for your lifestyle and daily needs. When it comes to your kitchen, simple is best, and quality matters most.

  • Words Lucky Guezon