Minimalism: Seven ways to achieve a cosy AND minimalist aesthetic –

There is a misconception that all minimalists must live in a space that is entirely white- and that the area must be stark and clinical in appearance, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can of course decorate your home like this if that is what makes you happy- however if you want to combine a minimalist and cosy feel to your home- here are my top tips:

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

Colour: Don’t shy away from colour if this gives you the cosy vibe- with that said- lots of colour can make a room feel busy so be selective with your choices of colour and maybe opt for one or two rather than an excess which may clash and create visual clutter.

Wooden furniture: If you look for natural materials like wood for coffee tables, tv stands, bed frames, dining room chairs and tables- this will bring the feel of warmth into your home and a sense of bringing the outside in. If you choose a lighter wood- it will open up the space too.

Cosy necessities: There is nothing to say you can’t have decorative cushions and throws about your space if you are a minimalist- as long as you use them- include them in your home and they will make you and your guests feel instantly more comfortable and at ease.

Warm lighting: We all need lighting in our homes, but the key is to choose wisely to offer the desired cosy feel. Bulbs with a softer, yellowy glow or candles make a room instantly feel warmer and more welcoming, whereas white lights might not be so inviting.

Focal points: Nothing says ‘cosy’ like a feature fireplace, a squishy chair in the corner or a large, fluffy throw over the bed. Each room should have an area that captures your attention as soon as you walk into it and pieces such as this can be like a giant hug if they are selected mindfully.

Patterns: Again- be wary to stick with one or two and don’t overload the senses with lots of visual ‘noise’. A striking duvet cover in an otherwise minimalist bedroom can have a pleasing impact on the eye or highly patterned cushions against a plain couch and walls will draw you in to sit down.

Cosy and minimalist are two words that can go hand in hand- so don’t settle for white on white if this doesn’t bring you joy.