How this mom embraced minimalism & overcame her social anxiety – All4Women

A book that Cassie Romesek (34) read in 2017 turned her life upside down, and changed it for the better…

Now this stay-at-home mom is sharing her message to help other women embrace a minimalist lifestyle to make space for the things that are most important – the wellbeing of herself and her family.

Cassie has embraced a ‘no frills’ lifestyle in New South Wales, Australia where she lives with hubby Thomas and their two children.

After feeling pressure to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ for too long, and suffering from social anxiety, Cassie decided to do something about it. “Tidy house, tidy mind” is one of the principals she lives by now.

So what exactly does ‘no frills’ living involve?

While Cassie admits that they still have a way to go, the family have implemented a lot of positive changes.

  • They try to follow zero waste principles by using as little plastic as possible.
  • They don’t have any ornaments in the home – this extends to side tables and excess cushions.
  • Cassie has fewer clothes than her husband, and eight pairs of shoes

Take a tour of her house below:

“I want to show others that what is most important is our health and mental health. And if you have a more organised life, you have a clearer mindset to focus more on your wellbeing.”

She’s on a mission to help others start pairing down their lives. “It’s an ongoing process, but small changes can make a big difference,” she says.

On her blog, she offers some great decluttering tips, and checklists to help you cut down on the things you don’t really need.

Watch the video above to find out more about Cassie’s journey, and follow her Instagram below for more great tips.

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✨Member Highlight✨ I am super excited to share with you the amazing achievements of my dear friend and member, Erin Hall. Erin participated in the first round of the Declutter Scavenger Hunt in March this year (in the Beginner Minimalist Facebook group). After completing her first declutter, she was inspired to tackle some more. And indeed she did! Swipe to see her amazing results! “Cassie! Thank you for offering such an amazing service. The tools and techniques you have shared with me have been a real game changer. I now look at items differently and am able to part with objects that don’t make me truly happy. I’ve always heard that the state of your house is a reflection of the state of your mind. I never really took that literally but I do now. I’m able to think so much clearer with a tidy home environment. It’s taken me 34 years to figure out that living with so much stuff was stressing me out. I’m now doing small bits everyday to maintain this new environment and continuing to follow your journey on social media for more great tips. The whole family now have their clothes cupboards decluttered and organised. It’s such a relief going and finding clothes now for all of us. It was literally a nightmare digging through clothes each day. I can see everything they own by only having a minimum amount of each category in their cupboards. The kids also love their new fabric boxes and labels and they look fantastic too! You’re such an inspiration Cass. Next on the list is our big shed down the back”-Erin. Erin is an inspirational business woman, in one of her businesses she is an Enjo Consultant. Enjo is a cleaning product that uses no chemicals. I am excited to announce that Erin will be a guest on my Podcast (which I aim to launch late next month). We will discussing how to minimalise your cleaning products, and also reducing the toxic chemicals, specifically in cleaning products, in your home. I am super proud and inspired by Erin’s decluttering and organising efforts. I look forward to seeing more of her achievements in the future. I hope this has also inspired you on your journey. Well done Erin! ✨✨✨☺️ #declutteryourlife #declutterlikeamother

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