Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone loves to experiment with her beauty looks. Be it her movies or red carpet events, DP has served some of the biggest beauty moments. And, when it comes to her eye make-up looks, she loves to experiment with different colours and trends. And, one of her go-to looks is matching her eye make-up with her outfit. We tell you how you can go all matchy-matchy with your outfits, just like Deepika.
For her Met Gala look, the actress donned a metallic pink gown. With this gown, she sported metallic pink and purple eye make-up.
For her red carpet appearance at Cannes 2017, the actress donned an emerald-green coloured gown. With this outfit, she sported a green shadow on upper and lower lids.
The actress stunned everyone with her pink asymmetrical gown at the event. With the gown, she sported black and pink smokey eyes.
DP also showed us how to match your make-up with your sari. She was seen wearing a blue shimmery sari. With this sequinned drape, she sported shimmery eye make-up in cobalt blue colour.
The actress is a big fan of black liner and has often spotted black liner with black outfits. From fine liners to bold cat eyes, the actress loves to sport this colour!
For her Met Gala look, the actress donned a metallic pink gown. With this gown, she sported metallic pink and purple eye make-up.
For her red carpet appearance at Cannes 2017, the actress donned an emerald-green coloured gown. With this outfit, she sported a green shadow on upper and lower lids.
The actress stunned everyone with her pink asymmetrical gown at the event. With the gown, she sported black and pink smokey eyes.
DP also showed us how to match your make-up with your sari. She was seen wearing a blue shimmery sari. With this sequinned drape, she sported shimmery eye make-up in cobalt blue colour.
The actress is a big fan of black liner and has often spotted black liner with black outfits. From fine liners to bold cat eyes, the actress loves to sport this colour!
End of the article
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