Amazon sells DIY tiny-home kits that only take 2 days to build – Business Insider

Amazon sells DIY tiny-home kits that only take 2 days to build – Business InsiderBusiness Insider logoProfile iconWorld globeMenu iconCheck mark iconProfile iconSearch iconWorld globeProfile iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconWorld globeBusiness Insider logoFacebook IconTwitter iconLinkedIn iconYouTube iconInstagram iconSearch iconClose iconFacebook IconLink iconEmail iconTwitter iconLinkedIn iconFliboard iconMore iconClose iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconChevron iconClose iconCheck mark iconFacebook IconTwitter iconLinkedIn iconYouTube iconInstagram iconCheck mark icon

amazon tiny house
This tiny house costs $18,800 to purchase on Amazon.
Allwood Outlet

Amazon prides itself on being the go-to, easy-to-use online marketplace for everything you need — and that apparently includes tiny houses.

Tiny homes have become increasingly popular in the last few years, whether that’s because of rising costs of living or because they encourage minimalist living. Tiny homes make it possible to own your own property, even if that house only measures between 100- and 400-square-feet.

But while constructing a functional housing unit may seem like a daunting task, Amazon has stepped in to make a hot millennial trend available to the masses by making these tiny homes easy to buy and simple to build. There are more than two dozen options on Amazon for DIY tiny home kits, ranging from 113-foot cabins at $5,350, to loft-bedroom houses at $20,000.

Surprisingly, some of the Amazon listings say these tiny homes can be built in as little as two days with two people.

To get an idea of how buying a tiny house on Amazon works, take a look at this “getaway cabin” being sold on Amazon for nearly $19,000:

Allwood Outlet

The company selling this tiny house kit on Amazon is a United Kingdom-based company called Lillevilla, which manufactures log cabins. The tiny home kits on Amazon are majority sold by Lillvilla and wood production e-retailer Allwood Outlet.

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The all-wood home is advertised as a cabin and not a full-fledged residence, likely because the tiny home only comes with bare materials and few features.

Allwood Outlet

The tiny home is “large enough to function as a summer house, granny flat, home office or even a stand-alone retail building,” the description says.

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The floor map for the tiny home shows a little bit more about its specifications. The set-up is simple: three rooms on the main floor spanning 292 square feet, and an attic-level loft bedroom above.

Allwood Outlet

The home also includes a partially covered deck out front, which is optional if you’re not feeling the outdoor wooden floor.

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To make best use of the small property, and to make the home easy to build, amenities are sparse. Without gas, it’d be hard to set up room as a kitchen. To make up for the lack of electricity, each room in the tiny home has at least one window for natural lighting.

Allwood Outlet

To turn the cabin into a “primary residence,” Allwood suggests adding utility hookups for electricity and internet, and insulation for colder temperatures.

Allwood Outlet

The room is split up, however, by the ladder in the center that leads up to the small loft room above.

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The Allwood listing for the tiny home shows that the building comes in three big parcels when it’s shipped to you. All the materials needed for constructing the tiny home apparently come in the shipped package: roof shingles and gables, glass panes, nails and screws, and the lock for the door.

Allwood Outlet

Allwood says only “minimal tools are needed.” For the interested buyer who has minimal building experience, the package is accompanied with “easy to use” instructions that should be simple to follow.

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This particular tiny home kit goes for $18,800 on Amazon. The listing suggests that building the cabin can take as little as two days with two people working.

Allwood Outlet

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