Perhaps you have recently minimised and you are struggling to keep on top of things or maybe you are thinking about reducing the items in your space and don’t know where to start. Either way- here are a few minimalist tips to help keep your home under control day to day.
Process post as it enters your home: Every time you pick up a pile of post- process it instantly. File paperwork away, action anything that needs a response, shred papers that have no importance and put the wrapping from larger packages and envelopes right into the recycling bin along with any junk mail. Post is one of the main culprits for paper mountains and there is nothing more off-putting than a giant pile of home admin.
Have regular charity shop trips: Ideally, you should look to donate at least once a week if you have a lot of stuff to purge or once a month if you have less. This will ensure anything that enters your home and you don’t want or need is quickly redistributed to where it is.
Return things ASAP: If you buy something that doesn’t fit properly, you have doubled up on or is simply not fit for purpose, take it back at your earliest convenience. Don’t leave things lying around the home when they could be back on the shelf in the store and the money safely in your account.
Put your recycling outside right away: As you’re cooking, opening shopping or organising recent purchases- get any recyclable materials out of your home as soon as you have earmarked it for the bin. Don’t have a holding place in your home as this will only get bigger the longer you leave it and make your space look unsightly.
Have a one in one our rule: For everything you bring into the home- give something else up so you are constantly dealing with the same amount of things. If you let this slide, the clutter will begin to build up in no time and you will feel overwhelmed again.
Have a daily reset: At the end of each day, tidy up your space and put everything back where it belongs. Things you no longer use or that are worn out will become apparent, making it easier to purge when the time comes around.
Return borrowed items ASAP: Perhaps you needed a dish for cooking something in that you borrowed from your mum’s house- return it. Maybe you loaned an outfit from a friend for a special occasion that has now long since passed- give it back. Whatever isn’t yours and you are not using doesn’t belong in your space so get it out of there are fast as you can!
Happy decluttering!