The internet is awash with minimalist You Tubers and bloggers offering their new year’s resolutions for 2020, so I have consolidated them here for you to choose from in order to lead a simpler life over the next 12 months. Which one/ones will you choose to do? 

Minimalism on Female First

Minimalism on Female First

  1. Use up what you already have before you buy a new one
  2. Have a one in and one out rule
  3. Try a no buy challenge for a month/six months/ the whole year
  4. Choose activities over things where possible
  5. Declutter one room or space and keep it decluttered for the year
  6. Create a capsule wardrobe or small wardrobe
  7. Donate anything unwanted to a local charity shop
  8. Have a shopping limit (e.g. 50 non-essential items for the year)
  9. Use the library before buying new books
  10. Borrow before buying
  11. Buy quality over quantity
  12. Leave it 30 days before making a purchase
  13. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails
  14. Unfollow people on social media who don’t share the same values/bore/annoy you
  15. Digitize your paperwork excluding things you need the physical copy of e.g. passport
  16. Learn to say no if it doesn’t bring value to your life
  17. Use ad blocker to reduce temptations
  18. Sell any unwanted items on Facebook Marketplace or eBay
  19. Minimise tasks that take you a long time e.g. your beauty routine
  20. Deal with junk mail as it enters your home
  21. Give anything back you have borrowed to the person it belongs to
  22. Give any unwanted items to friends and family if they find value in them
  23. Reduce time on social media
  24. Do anything that takes on a few minutes straight away- don’t leave for later
  25. Set a budget to spend less and save more
  26. Reduce or eliminate bad habits
  27. Declutter your handbag
  28. Shop locally to reduce impulse buys in the supermarket
  29. Reduce your screen time each day
  30. Give unwanted food to a food bank
  31. Find alternative activities to shopping trips with friends
  32. Plan in a car boot sale for all your unwanted things
  33. Plan in a regular decluttering session throughout the year e.g. once a month
  34. Reduce your commitments to ones you actually want to do
  35. Cancel any unwanted subscriptions
  36. Cancel any unwanted memberships
  37. Delete any unwanted photos and organize the rest
  38. Reduce your plastic use by taking reusable bags with you
  39. Avoid drama where you can
  40. Distance yourself from toxic people
  41. Choose a total number of items you would like to own and try to stick within these parameters
  42. Try the 30-Day Minimalism Game
  43. Give unwanted Christmas presents away for raffle prizes
  44. Leave any WhatsApp groups that are no longer bringing you joy
  45. Delete any unwanted posts/photos on social media
  46. Shred any sensitive paperwork and recycle
  47. Take anything to the tip that can’t be recycled at home
  48. Offer items with no value for free on relevant groups- one person’s trash is another person’s treasure
  49. Shred any points cards
  50. Reset you home each night for the next day